Saturday, January 2nd, 2010
“Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:” – 1st Timothy 1:5
The goal of the gospel of Jesus Christ is for us to be transformed from a carnal soul into a spiritual soul.
Jesus says “
in your patience, take possession of your soul”.
Obviously, SOMETHING besides me must have possession of my soul. Now
if Jesus said that, then it is true and I personally do not think that a
single living human other than him has been excluded from that state of
being. So every believer (small and great) must come to terms with
what exactly has had possession of my soul. Better stated “
has had possession of my soul?” Who has had possession of my soul are
demonic, unclean spirits that have been doing nothing but using us as
vessels to express their lusts. Also, the higher the level of the demon
spirit(s), the higher the level of worship that will be directed to the
vessel carrying the demon(s). This is how Satan’s kingdom operates. At
the end of this chain of bondage is the highest level fallen cherub, the
‘prince of the power of the air’, who has obscured from the worshipers
the True and Living God – to whom alone the worship is due and should be
directed to but instead Satan has funneled all of that worship to him
via lies and deception. So it becomes false worship to a false god. What
Christians must do then is to humble themselves down and submit to the
Lord Jesus Christ – the Word of God – in order to be made clean from
these intruders.
Here in the last days, those that claim
to follow Jesus Christ need to truly come to terms with the fact that we
have been so duped in church life, that we really have to STOP and
think about what we are doing. It’s time to deal with religious nephilim
that have Christians bound and blocking the flow of the Holy Spirit.
Let’s not find ourselves saying “you need to (fill in the blank)…No –
first off – “we” need to... “We” need to come out of the world and be
converted. Let’s not find ourselves pointing out what’s wrong with
others without having first gotten the mess out of our own souls.
Waiting on God – Possessing My Soul
“In your patience possess ye your souls” – Luke 21:9
says this in the midst of an end time discourse where he is telling us
that as Christians we will be rejected and slain by religious hypocrites
just as He was. Those of us that enter into this confrontation with the
power of darkness will have to have possession of our souls else we
will compromise and deny Him. So why does he mention patience in the
same statement as possessing your soul? The process of possessing our
soul primarily comprises of waiting on God as we go through the process
of mortifying our members and dying to the things of this world. The end
result will be a resurrected life that will become a living sacrifice.
Probably the hardest thing about a Christian life these days is waiting
on God.
Remember this: what is the primary
characteristic of ‘waiting’? Have you ever waited for a bus while
running down the street? Waiting means:
to remain stationary in readiness or expectation.
I would add this as well – that for us as Christians by and large it
also means “SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP – until we are endowed with POWER!!!”
Let’s look at a beautiful illustration of “in your patience possess ye your souls” found in
Psalm 62. Here are 2 sets of 2 verses that show us a progression:
Verse 1.) Truly my soul waiteth (waits silently) upon God: from him cometh my salvation.
Verse 2.) He only is my rock and my salvation; he is my defense; I shall not be greatly moved (shaken).
Verse 5.) My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation (hope) is from him.
Verse 6.) He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved (shaken).
verse 1 and 2 we hear the psalmist talking ABOUT his soul in the first
person. We recognize that from God alone comes our salvation and we
recognize that we must wait on Him for our deliverance. As we go through
deliverance there will be moments of doubt and stumbling thus “
I will not be greatly shaken”.
He is saying we will waver some but not greatly…there will be times of
tribulation. I’m not talking about “persecution” type tribulation here
but just trials and the testing of our faith – going through everyday
life in this dark foreboding world. Now look at verses 5 and 6. Here the
conversation changes from talking “about” my soul to actually talking
TO my soul. This is where I am taking possession of my soul! I say –
rather, I command – “My soul…continue to wait on God. Although I have
taken possession of my soul I am still mindful that I must wait on Him.
But now (verse 6) I will NOT BE MOVED.” We must command our souls to
deaden the old man and excess lusts. This is why it is hard to fast and
pray – because the old carnal man does not like doing the things that
will kill him and birth a new spiritual man. When I possess my soul, I
will not care about the persecution that will come from Satan’s kingdom
and I will not be the least bit shaken. So while I am in the process of
possessing my soul, I can be shaken but with the impartation of the
divine nature of Jesus Christ comes the boldness and confidence (in HIM –
not in myself) that will carry me through the persecution. It’s very
interesting how verses 1 and 2 and verses 5 and 6 bookend verses 3 and
Now look at what (actually “who”) is in between the
waiting on God (verses 1 and 2) and the possessing of our souls (verses 5
and 6):
Verse 3.) How long will
ye imagine mischief against a man?
ye shall be slain
all of you: as a bowing wall shall
ye be, and as a tottering fence.
Verse 4.)
They only consult to cast him down from his excellency:
they delight in lies:
they bless with their mouth, but
they curse inwardly.
is talking TO someone else in verse 3 and he’s talking ABOUT someone
else in verse 4. It is the demons and nephilim! While we are waiting on
God and taking possession of our souls we are going to have to deal with
these nephilim. These intruders and invaders of our souls have had us
scattered our minds and actually mutated our very make up (DNA if you
will). We must bind and curse these invaders and cast them out of our
souls. This is what the power of the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ
does for us and for that we thank Him and praise Him and adore Him! By
the blood of Jesus they shall be slain
In reality, they are as a leaning unsupported wall and a wavering
tottering fence. Their purpose is to counsel (devise) to dethrone the
Most High God from His place of preeminence which should be our very
souls as we are to be temples (carriers or vessels) of His Holy Spirit.
These wicked ones delight in lies – they bless with their mouths but
inwardly they are cursing us. Here is another aspect of waiting on
God…we are bearing out the fruit of patience as we deal with other
people that are carriers of these nephilim. We deal with them not only
in our souls but face to face all the time…in our families, on our jobs
and in our church groups. This is why discerning of spirits is
important. Realize that we are all in need of deliverance and not
everyone is at the same place but if we really do have a broken spirit
and a contrite heart God will be faithful to complete His work. But
remember that there are some that put on a good show or a good act
(hence the word “hypocrite”). They talk really nice and the words that
come out of their mouths sound real sweet but deep down they are cursing
and despising the real sons and daughters of God. In the Old Testament
the whole story about the Israelites taking possession of Canaan is a
type of how we are to possess our souls. We have to fight these “giants”
(nephilim) and there’s no going around them.
Numbers 13:33
tells us that the ones that did not believe they could overcome (Joshua
and Caleb where the only two that did believe) saw themselves as
grasshoppers – and that’s how the giants saw them too. That’s not the
reality though. Through their divination and mind control and keeping us
embedded in fantasy and make believe (TV, news, sports etc.), the
nephilim are able to have us appear to ourselves as inadequate,
unbelieving and as most Christians today commonly say (cursing
themselves): “I’m just a sinner” (
Psalm 62:4) – Please –
we come in as filthy rags, sinners against our very Creator and Mighty
God – but we can and should be more than conquerors...that will be the
time of the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit. The first thing Jesus
did coming out of the wilderness being tested by Satan was
a.) Come out in the POWER of the Spirit; and
COME AGAINST AND CAST OUT DEMONS. The first thing He prophecies over
us for when we are to go forth to the world and preach the gospel is: “
these signs shall follow them that believe – In my name they shall CAST OUT DEMONS…” – Mark 16. The first thing!!! But this kind comes out only through much prayer and fasting (and Ephesians 6).
the remainder of Psalm 62 and you’ll see that verses 8-12 equate to
this overcoming person now preaching the gospel – starting with “
Trust in HIM you people…” and ending with “
Also unto thee, O Lord, belongs mercy: for you render to every man according to his work.” (mercy and judgment!).
“He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he (Jesus) walked.”
1st John 2:6 (you may want to read that one agin)
unto him (Jesus) that is able to keep you and me from falling, and to
present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding
To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.”
Jude 24-25
(did he say he was able to keep me from falling?)
2nd Peter 1-10 talks about how Jesus’ divine power has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness (God-likeness), through the knowing of Him who has called us to glory and virtue. He has made his exceeding great and precious promises that we can be partakers of His divine nature as we escape the corruption that is in the world THROUGH LUST! So as we possess our souls we start with believing in Jesus Christ (faith)…we add virtue…we add knowledge…we add self-control…we add patience…we add godliness…we add brotherly kindness…we end up with love – thus we end up as self-less spiritual beings not the selfish carnal creatures we were born into the world as. And if these things are in us…if we really do posses the very attributes of God’s nature – and these attributes abound and flourish, we will not be barren or unfruitful in the personal relationship – the knowing of our Lord Jesus Christ – not the “knowledge” about him, as in “knowing” biblical data and information – but we actually “know” Him personally! BUT – if we lack these attributes – we are blind, we cannot see and we forget that he has purged us from our old sin nature by His precious blood…we get a blood transfusion and we take possession of our soul as we are renewed with His divine nature. Therefore, be diligent to make your calling and election sure – if you do these things you shall NEVER fall! As we go through the process of transformation and possessing our souls we may trip and stumble but do you know it’s possible to trip but yet not to completely fall? If you’re walking on a path tripping and stumbling, though it will obviously make for a more difficult walk, you can still NOT FALL. And just as when dealing with a child or a friend that you know are making mistakes along the way – you can warn them and tell them that there is a cliff at the end of the path and you had better turn another direction. They have every right to not heed your warnings and they can stomp off all proud thinking that you’re really the one that’s wrong. All you can do is warn them – you cannot walk it out for them.
Similarly, it is impossible for a vessel that is cleansed of unclean spirits internally to live in a dirty home externally – it will be against the person’s nature. However, it is possible for a vessel who is still housing unclean spirits internally to put forth an image of cleanliness on the outside by keeping a clean home. It is also impossible for a person who claims to be delivered of unclean spirits internally – but is not really delivered – to live in a filthy home externally. The latter two cases are cases of hypocrisy and self deception. And if we still have the nephilim thinking (“they delight in lies”) in our soul we increase our risk of being deceived because these groves that are cut into our souls will cause us to compromise the truth of Jesus Christ and salvation. Only a contrite and broken person can stop and pay heed to a righteous warning. God's children will also undergo chastening for not harkening to His Word.
Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water
(But the water’s dirty and we’re throwing out the water and refilling the tub!)
“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour. If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work. Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.” –
2nd Timothy 20-22
“Whether it’s welcome or unwelcome, you as preachers of the Word, are to show people in what ways their lives are wrong.” – G. Craig Lewis, EX Ministries (intro to True Church Perspective broadcast).
That sounds like a hard statement but it is true. In essence it is the very same thing spoken by Isaiah (
58:1) and others. So then – if the shoe fits – wear it…
There are more than
10 signs of a carnal church. Satan is a slick creature so these additional “signs” may not be so obvious to “church folk”…
- Flamboyant dressing and decorations: The Bible says that their outer countenance (the way they look) witnesses against them (Isaiah 3:9). Obviously we can rule out tattooing as being Godly. It is one thing to have tattoos and to have repented and to then witness against tattoos and quite another to be tattooing “Jesus” or a cross or scripture quotations all over your body. No discussion needed – “Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.” – Leviticus 19:28. Body piercings are in the same category, and to take it one step further we will address someone that is always “dressed to the nines”. There’s a difference between someone dressing nicely and looking presentable and respectable and someone dressing to be seeking for attention. When you see a lady with rings on all sorts of fingers (there is a reason why we have a “ring” finger) – especially on the thumbs, know that you have a flesh pot. The same goes if you see a guy with pinky rings and rings on his index fingers or if he's wearing bracelets (especially those silly “Livestrong’ yellow bracelets). Okay, maybe a bracelet could be put in the “my opinion” category but it just seems girly to me (but then again, what if my opinion is the same as God's on the matter?:). But as far as the excess rings go, you might as well go slap in a few ear-rings then while you’re at it.
- Book signings: So I wrote a book…why do I need to “autograph” my book for someone to glory in? It already has my name on it! It’s one thing to write a book and put your name on it as to declare “Yeah – I wrote this…I’m standing up for the Lord” and quite another to parade around like the world does handing out autographs. This is a totally selfish endeavor on both the signor and the signee. Where do you draw the line between that and someone getting a pro football player or a movie star's autograph? It is all a form of personality worship.
- Your picture is plastered everywhere: Who cares what you look like? How long did it take for the shoot? How many shoots have you done? How long did it take to decide which picture to use? I like the one where you’re humbly looking down…I like the one that you are smiling in…I like the one where you have a serious look…I like the silhouette one with your nose sticking proudly up in the air…again – it’s a form of personality worship.
- Quit playing “Church”: Why is it that Christians think we’re supposed to have “church service” where we just come and sit in front a “preacher”? What we need is to be filled with the Holy Ghost and blast out into the streets with power and not be thinking in terms of going to some building that will remain virtually closed down for 160 hours out of the 168 total hours in a week. And when we're in the building, where does all this “turn to your neighbor and say ______” come from? It’s not to say that there will not be gatherings in buildings in the tribulation but when you are in a building are you going to ask the crowd “can I preach in here”? Oh, maybe that's just in the "black" church...add another bullet to the list...There is no such thing as a "black" church or a "white" church. This is plain carnal foolishness!
- Don’t be so dramatic: Quit that silly “preacher” voice. God does not come sensually and emotionally…that is Satan’s way. We don’t need the dramatic pauses and tonal inflections. It’s not that there won’t be humor or emotion shown but we have got to be delivered of these religious demons!
- Grow your hair (both men and women): A bald guy looks just as sissified as a man with long hair and a woman should have long hair not a butch man cut. It is all a shame.
- Lose the “funky” background music. Did you know that there’s a familiar spirit lurking in that music and it ain't the Holy Spirit?
- Quit the flattering and boasting: We don’t need to keep going into blog comment areas just to say “Great post” and “you truly are a man of Gawd”. That’s flattery and a work of the flesh that will engender pride.
- Freely receive and freely give: Don’t tell people to not copy your stuff. If it’s true let it go man. Can the Lord not supply? Sure, have a point of sale for some ministry resources but tell the people to copy as many as they want and give them out…The Holy Spirit will direct people to support our efforts. What are you going to do – take a Christian to the world court for copyright violations?
- Quit celebrating Christmas: Now is not the time to be wishy-washy. We have to call a spade a spade and not try to soften the blow by saying things like “I’m not trying to sway anyone into observing or not observing but pray that you receive wisdom”. The truth is that the wisdom of God will sway you to NOT participate in this worldly practice, just like the wisdom of God will sway you to pay heed on any matter. Christmas is at a minimal stupid and at a maximum it is the worship of Baal (I lean toward the latter). If it’s stupid why do it? – if it’s Baal worship you had better not do it! Just because you like it and it felt good when you were a kid and now you want your kids to feel the same way does not make it right and acceptable to God. If you’re not going to drag the stupid tree into your house because of Jeremiah 10 then why not just cut off the whole traditional Babylonian worship ceremony of Baal (Nimrod, Tammuz etc) and see it as “another Jesus and another spirit” which is exactly what it is. What we’re actually doing when we incant “Merry (Mary) Christmas” to everyone and anyone (fellow Babylonians) is paying homage to Semiramis a.k.a. The Roman Catholic “Virgin” (Whore) Mary! What makes you think Halloween can be evil and Christmas is not…it’s the world people – WAKE UP! Stop it! Cast it out!
It is absolutely time to separate from carnal work and be made holy in order to do a spiritual end time work for God. Those still alive and lost in this world are NOT going to be drawn to the Lord by a work of the flesh – they will be drawn ONLY by God’s Spirit. It’s no different now then when the Lord speaks to His children the Israelites in the Old Testament. He speaks in love (although it does not sound very pleasant now does it?) but He abhors the acts (nature) of wickedness. The thing Jesus hates more than anything is a hypocrite. He called the religious hypocrites
vipers for a reason. We all must shed the serpentine nature of Satan and be made holy…He says we must first be converted – then go forth and heal and do the works of God. This will all transpire at the appointed time but we must be purged of that adamic, nephilim nature or we will be compromised and deny Jesus Christ at the most inopportune time. If what I say offends you then you ought to stop and consider if perhaps you have too much to lose. God has a way of taking stuff away from us in order for us to see and it’s hard to forsake all if we think we have too much to lose. That is why we must deny ourselves of all the lusty desires and take possession of our souls from the demons that have had us bound. That carnal mind that is still in covenant with the thoughts of the nephilim that control it will have a person pointing their fingers everywhere else – but when Nathan comes up and says “you are the man” it becomes a different story.
It seems hard but He does love us and He is faithful. We must comply and be the same.
“Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.” – Romans 8:7