Here is a most interesting lesson on the Hebrew language.
I know how much we tend to want more after a message like this (at least I do). I watched another by this rabbi called The Mysticism of the Garden of Eden. Definitely have to put your thinking cap on for that one – but what I learned was what this man actually believes about Satan. I don’t know if it’s typical ‘rabbinical’ teaching, and if they are anything like today's ‘Christianity’ then there may be many, many takes, but he believes that Satan is not a fallen angel (he believes that there are no fallen angels) but that Satan is actually God’s ‘tempting’ angel. That's just Satan's job - to tempt humans. It reminds me of Christians that are missing doctrinal truths. Take for example Genesis 6. There are those that teach that the ‘sons of god’ where simply the sons of Seth. There are many ways to refute that but one of the simplest is – why would God destroy the world just because the sons of Seth had sex with the daughters of men? The reason is because of the fact that what happened when fallen angels left there assigned positions and engaged in mixing themselves with the seed of men (see Daniel 2:43, Jude and 2nd Peter), was so off the charts damaging and enraged God so much He decided to destroy everything. And remember, Jesus says that the end of time will be like the days of Noah and the days of Lot.
Anyway, I'd like to ask Mordechai, if we are consult God's Word on everything then how can the satan not be fallen according to God’s very Word in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28? I mean, if he is just a tempter angel then why did God have to put curses on everything and then we end up in this human tragedy that we call today's world? This video has prompted me in a different way to pray for the Israelites that know God's Word as well as Christians that we do not see eye to eye with. Another notion is, what would happen if this guy really got a revelation of Jesus Christ and got filled with the Holy Ghost…you talk about some dynamite! We’ll just endeavor for that and keep them in prayer – but when that veil lifts – look out – that would be something to behold!
Let us press on to the business at hand: to destroy Satan's works!
Be blessed.