"But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us."
2nd Corinthians 4:3-7

Watch and Pray

Saturday, January 30th, 2010

Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.
Mark 13:33

Mark 13:33 says in today’s English: “Pay attention! Stay awake/don’t be hypnotized AND pray!...because you do not know when the appointed time is. The appointed time spoken of here is the end of this present and evil age. Jesus had just spoken of the end time scenario and the parable of the fig tree. The fig tree being the modern nation of Israel springing forth (branches still tender and putting forth leaves) in 1948. Therefore, once this happens summer is near and everyone knows that once summer passes it will be fall – which is the time of harvest.

This generation shall not pass till all these things (all that He said in Mark 13) are done or fulfilled – verse 30. But of that day and of that hour knows no man, nor the angels in heaven, not even the Son – but only the Father – verse 32. So take heed, watch and pray: for you do not know when the time is – verse 33.

[For the Son of man is] as a man taking a far journey, who left his house (the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof - Psalms 24:1), and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch. Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning: Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.– Mark 13:34

…And I Don’t Mean Just Watch TV and Videos!

The Lord has commanded us to “watch”. We have to watch because we do not know at what precise EXACT moment He is returning. If we are watching we therefore will not be sleeping and we will not be “surprised” at His appearing. I believe that though we do not know the exact day or hour of His coming, we know that the overall time or “season” is at hand. Summer is about over and it is about to be the season of harvest! If we are sleeping it will appear to those sleeping that the Lord comes “suddenly” or unexpectedly. In other words, if we really do not LONG for His appearing He will appear as a thief in the night. The longing is having a fervent desire for His Kingdom to come and a fervent desire to see an end of this daily wickedness.

Other reasons to watch and pray (and what to watch and pray for):

Pray that we do not enter into temptation - the spirit is willing to watch and pray but the flesh is weak and does not watch and pray. - Matthew 26:41 and therefore if we DO NOT watch and pray - we WILL enter into temptation - Mark 14:38

Watch and pay attention to ourselves so that our hearts are not overtaken with overeating and drunkenness and the cares of this life - if this happens will will be caught unaware and unprepared - Luke 21:34

Pray always that we are accounted worthy to escape all the terrible tribulations that will come to the earth and that we will be able to stand before the Lord Himself (Psalms 24:3-4) - Luke 21:36

There are many things billowing forth in today’s world. At this particular time we are a week away from the most “watched” event in television – The Super Bowl. Most people that watch this 3 hour plus broadcast probably care more about the commercials than the game itself. This year there seems to be a lot of focus on social issues being presented which – in the opinion of many is not right because we should be focusing on celebrating “football” and not trying to inject “values” into this showcase event. Interestingly, the issues are abortion and homosexuality...

It’s amazing how they won’t flinch with (WARNING!) Beyonce’s new perverted ad for her new “scent’ called Heat, put on by an admitted “seductress”, but when there’s an ad focused on a message featuring young Tim Tebow implying an anti-abortion message – then the “heat” gets turn up to attempt to disengage this discussion. At the same time – CBS who is broadcasting the game and apparently the anti-abortion message – has disallowed a commercial featuring a “gay” (sodomite) dating service and a GoDaddy commercial featuring an effeminate ex-football player named “Lola” (somebody actually get’s paid money for thinking this garbage up). All the while CBS appears to be having a moral backbone yet most of their programming is perverted, features perverts and/or is extremely violent in nature. It could have been very easy for CBS to have never opened up that can of worms - but there is a reason for all of this. Also, this week the man that murdered murderer “Dr.” George Tiller was swiftly convicted of murder in an American court of law. This trial could have easily been put off for a year or two - as in the case of Casey Anthony down in Florida (which will no doubt be used as a major distraction) but it is all coming together at the right time.

What this is all boiling down to is that the world wants to disguise this as a “conversation”, “discussion” or “debate ” on “values”. My fervent prayer is the beginning of the opening of a “door of utterance” (Colossians 4:3). This utterance will not be in the form of conversation, discussion or debate – but solely a proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! What we do not need is so-called Christians like Tim Tebow standing up in a public forum and stating that he stands firm in what he believes and he just wants people to respect that. That is not going far enough Tim, in fact that is compromise...you had better change that tune to “abortion is an abominination - just like homosexulity - and it is time for all to repent or be damned for sinning against the Most High God”!!! The reason people like Tebow really don't step up to the plate and tell it like it is - is because they love the world and they're trying to make this life work - IT DOES NOT WORK - IT NEEDS TO END! We need Jesus Christ front and center and quite trying make believe that there is some good in this world - the WHOLE world lies in wickedness! The time is rapidly approaching for the separation of the wheat and the tares - the goats and the sheep.

Barack Obama is a Christian?

If church attendance is one measure of a man's faith, then President Obama may appear to have lost some of his. The first family, once regular churchgoers, have publicly attended services in Washington just three times in the past year, by ABC News' count, even bypassing the pews on Christmas Day.

Obama quit Chicago's embattled Trinity United Church of Christ months before taking office in 2008 and has not formally joined a new one in his new hometown.

But sources familiar with the president's personal life say Obama remains a faithful Christian while in the White House, practicing his beliefs regularly in private with family and the aid of his BlackBerry.

“Barack Obama is a Christian. He's always been clear and unapologetic about that, and he's comfortable with his own faith,” Rev. Jim Wallis, an Obama friend and spiritual adviser, said. “But I think the president, particularly a president, needs the kind of pastoral care or spiritual counsel with people who don't have a political agenda. And it's hard for a president to get that.”

Obama’s “friend” and “spiritual advisor” - Jim Wallis - heads up a pseudo-Christian, very homosexual (sodomite) and abortion tolerant organization, called Sojourners:

In the video below, notice the announcer’s “Freudian” slip as he started to announce Wallis as the head of a “large Christian, progressive” – but changed it to “progressive, Christian” The term “progressive” is now the new adjective for “liberal”. What this new terminology really says is that to be a “progressive thinker” is to be advancing or evolving intellectually and if you do not think like us you are primitive and archaic...Wallis’ new book is titled: Rediscovering Values: A Moral Compass for the New Economy

Apparently we must be about to enter into a new economy...and along with that will be a “moral” stance, that will have a form of godliness, but MUST accept abortion AND homosexuality. The only thing that will not be tolerated will be an absolute Bible believing Christian - and death be to you if you have signs and wonders following after you when you speak in real FAITH! That's the way it will be.

Side Note:

Obama administration may take action on BCS

Around the time that Obama was “elected” president, I speculated that Obama would use this issue as a pacifier. A way to satisfy a vast number of the population by doing something that is totally meaningless - create a playoff system for college football! When almost every other major college sport has a "normal" type of playoff elimination system in place - the most popular sport has an idiotic approach and people have been clamoring for years for a change.

Obama is about “change” now isn't he? Do you want to talk about straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel? They want a college football playoff system with between 2,000 and 3,000 babies being murdered every DAY! And this is a Christian right?

Watch for when the road gets rougher the legalization of marijuana will be used in a similar fashion...to pacify the masses. This will also serve a multi-purpose of stimulating the economy, and having compassion on the sick (as marijuana is claimed to be used for a medicinal substitute) and covertly assisting in the further intoxication of the people as they are systematically accepting the mark of the beast by being hypnotized and being put to sleep.

Addendum: Monday, February 8th, 2010

The "Tim Tebow" ad that aired during the Super Bowl is more of the same matriarchal presentation coming from the so-called "church". We see the "tough" woman with little boy in tow and the father nowhere to be seen. If there really is to be any relevance to this ad, what we would see would be the FATHER - NOT THE MOTHER - speaking of how there was no way he was going to allow satanic influences to convince HIM, as the authority in his family, to abort their child. But what we see is Focus on the Family goose-stepping to Satan's marching orders and to add insult to injury the boy tackles his mother to show how "tough" mom is, but it is really disrespectful and out of order...just like their daddy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Obama's desire to repeal "Don't ask, don't tell" can actually help to fulfill the "days of Lot" (Luke 17, cf. Gen. 19), the fulfillment of which will hurry up the return of the Heavenly Commander-in-Chief who will make all things straight (pun intended)! Interesting Google articles include "Obama Supports Public Depravity," "Obama Avoids Bible Verses," "Separation of Raunch and State" and "David Letterman's Hate Etc." - required reading for the "Obama 101" course.
PS - You're invited to use these new pro-life slogans: "Unborn babies should have the right to keep and bear arms - and legs and ears and eyes etc.!" and "Unborn babies should have the same right to be born alive that abortionists had!"